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Got Love?

  • Elliott
  • August 5, 2012
  • 4

We Do Have Love, Thank You for Reminding me!

A couple nights ago I posted a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti which said “There have been 15,000 wars in the last 5000 years and there is still no love, no compassion.” Just before I posted this I had spent about an hour reading fear-based posts from people proud of their conservative opinions and anger-filled posts from people who consider themselves liberals. Both sides amazed me at how rigid they are. Both sides insist they’re right and they appear to be immovable in their positions.

 Our country is a tinderbox and I feel the tension. It is no wonder some of our human forms snap and destroy themselves and others for little or no reason. We are separated as never before. The only thing that unites us is tragedy. Even then we only stay together long enough to get over the shock and then go right back to bickering.

 I attempt to avoid the news, which is of course not remotely possible. I work at looking for the blessing in every event. I search for love in action any place I have eyes to see and a heart open enough to comprehend. Even with all these attempts to avoid chaos, I have still found myself getting caught up in the crisis that is this powder keg; the conflict created by our separatist camps.

 I don’t notice myself taking one side or another. Instead, I feel myself wanting to cry at the absurdity of the human condition. I, personally, have never seen such rigid battle lines, nor have I felt this much polarization in society.

 I posted a quote like Krishnamurti’s, because I was caught up in one of my “glass is half-empty” moments. Instead of remembering that we are steadily becoming a more loving, compassionate, tolerant people, I was focused on how painstakingly slow and unsteady the process appears.

 Fortunately, one beautiful soul on Twitter called me out on my negativity and helped me realize that I was not adding love to our collective situation. I was merely caught up in illusion. It is so easy to take my eyes off the truth that everything is perfect, just as it is. Normally, I remember that when I focus on love and its many demonstrations, I live in a much kinder, gentler place. Then I spend an hour reading Facebook, and my memory fails me.

 I thank my friend for asking me if Krishnamurti was blind and for extending the question to me. To the on-purpose observer the world is filled with acts of love and compassion, even within the wars and other seemingly senseless violence. It requires diligence and perseverance to stay focused on the humanity we want to see manifest and not just the helter-skelter, jumbled-up, mess we enjoy dissecting with our clashing egos. Thank you friend for letting me watch my own ego in action as I defended my post and defended the words of someone I admire. I am grateful to be called out on what was a non-beneficial act. My posting reflected my unexpressed tension but it was not a very enlightened way to bless the planet, which is always my goal.

 I love honest, courageous people: individuals not afraid to call their friends to a higher vision when they need a helping hand. I am very blessed to have many such friends in my Twitter timeline who help me remember what a remarkable, loving place this world is. These amazing, loving, kind, and authentic followers make the time I spend online quite valuable.

 The world is becoming a greater expression of Love.  The current, dualistic resistance, to this truth is necessary, for now, to keep us in balance; but that paradigm is rapidly changing, as well.

 Mr. Krishnamurti while it is true that we are still killing one another, we do have loving reasons: We fight because we love our families and we love our country. We love our stories and we love our heroes who came before us to give us the rights we cherish and fight for today.

 So we do have love. It may not look like the love you envisioned or defined but it is a form of love nonetheless. And let’s not forget about compassion. There are acts of compassion cited every day in all parts of the world. While it is not yet normal for an entire culture to show compassion toward other groups, there are individuals who demonstrate compassion and loving-kindness toward one another.

Perhaps it is not a the best example of compassion when we arm rebels, who fight for their political freedom, and it may not be the highest level of compassion to send money to Governments after disasters in their domains, but isn’t it extreme to suggest compassion does not exist simply because we don’t know how to do it as a collective society? Yes, most of our love is conditional, shared only with people we deem worthy, but still love exists, right? Just because our ego-based, intellectual style of love is not Real Love does not mean that we should get no credit for the form of love we do offer, right?

Note to self: How about instead of being critical because this love and compassion does not measure up to the ideal, you choose to cheer for and focus upon whatever love and compassion does exist. How about you try and build on what is going well instead of throwing the whole thing out just because it doesn’t equal the perfection you long for?

I understand Jiddu Krishnamurti’s statement and his frustration, but maybe there is room for celebrating how far we have come while we embrace and pursue the work that lies ahead.

Thank you, my Twitter friends, for reminding me of this possibility.

 I will try my best not to tweet posts when I am emotionally challenged

Everything IS.

Everything is beautiful.

Everything is already perfect

If I define it as so,

And I DO!



  1. Elliott, I love how you strive to consistently show up as the love that you ARE in all your human interactions. I, too, really do the best I can to understand and live my highest purpose here – it is my sincere intention to confirm the hope and possibilities that are the promise of creation, not contribute to the confusion of a wounded world of illusions…sometimes I miss that mark. I’m not too hard on myself these days, nor do I judge another’s momentary lack of clarity – we are, after all, having a human experience. Like you, I pick myself up, brush myself off and reaffirm my gratitude for all the blessings in my life and my commitment to sharing the miracles in my days vs. feeding despair. Thanks for the glimpses into your journey…they inspire me and confirm my belief that we are indeed all one. Love you!

    1. Thank you Eve. I do not know why I feel compelled to share my self-discoveries. I spend most of my time laughing at the in’s and out’s and the up’s and down’s of this journey. Each and every moment has its blessings and its lessons. I have totally given up on thinking I know anything, then I share and look like I think I know something again. Round and round I go. This is a wonderful adventure even though it is wild and unpredictable. I probably couldn’t stand it if life stayed steady and consistent. At the very least I love each day and feel very grateful for the love I receive from friends and family. Thank you for showing up the way you do and sharing your-self with me.

  2. Elliott, I love how eloquently you shared the human tendency to become frustrated with slow progress. I have felt this too, and felt sheepish about it once I returned to the peaceful center within. Sharing our journey with others helps us all realize that we’re not failing; we’re just getting better at new life skills and that takes practice.

    1. Jacqueline, Thank you for participating on this blog and sharing your wisdom and your vote of confidence. I am a great fan of yours and look forward to our synergy expanding. I appreciate you.

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