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Heaven is at Hand

To be In-Love is to experience Heaven. I was not raised to think this way. It is something that life has taught me. I never believed in an afterlife heaven which some were entitled to and some were not based on the whims of some judgmental deity. That concept never resonated with me even when… Continue reading Heaven is at Hand

Prejudice Separates

Prejudice is never intelligent. Prejudice is born of ignorance; Applying one observation To a whole class of individuals. Prejudice is embraced by small minds, who, in their fear, in their longing for safety, Are too shallow to realize, too UN-enlightened to understand that true safety exists only in openness:  in open minded, open hearted Expanded… Continue reading Prejudice Separates

The Art of Peace

Recently, I was pondering this quote:  “The Art of Peace is the religion that is not a religion; it perfects and completes all religions.” – Morihei Ueshiba I love this idea because choosing Peace is one of the unifying thoughts behind all religious pursuits. Regardless of the spiritual tradition we embrace, we are typically drawn… Continue reading The Art of Peace

Beauty Does Not Require an Opposite

Just because I live in a world defined by dualism, the rules which govern said dualism do not need to control my every experience. I recently read this statement by Dr. Wayne Dyer in Change Your Thoughts- Change Your Life: “Has it ever occurred to you that beauty depends on something being identified as ugly?… Continue reading Beauty Does Not Require an Opposite

Forgivenss, The Greatest Secret to Peace

Forgiveness offers Transformation When we look at humanity it is easy to take notice of our differences. Different genders, different races, different values, different passions, different habits, I could go on all day listing differences. There are whole careers which are built on discovering and exploring people’s differences, even within small subsets of society. But… Continue reading Forgivenss, The Greatest Secret to Peace

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